Presentation Procedural Model for Measuring Productivity of Outsourcing Staff Salary in Military Organizations


In recent years, managers and top officials of governmental and military organizations have considered outsourcing as a method for developing their organization, increasing productivity and decreasing non-core operations. But it should be noted that we still have to pay great attention even after outsourcing. In fact, organizations should analyze the outsourced operations and enhance their outsourcing operations based on their achievements, also organization strategy and quantitative and qualitative risks should be managed [11].
Outsourcing can be analyzed from different aspects. In this article, a model based on outsourcing analyze in terms of productivity will be proposed. In the proposed procedural model about TFP pattern and extended division method, outsourcing productivity will be analyzed.
Variables in the extended division method include: given value, staff number, labor factor share from given value, value of intermediate consumptions, share of intermediate consumptions from given value and value of investment services. In this article, outsourcing of staff salary in a military organization will be reviewed as a case study.Results suggest that productivity level has been 445 in 2007 but it has increased to 1153,1166  and 1229  in 2008 to 2010.
Based on these results we can claim productivity level has been increased in recent years, also we can use the proposed model for analyzing all kinds of outsourcing.
Target of current research is to propose a model for measuring productivity level of outsourcing. This research is applicable, descriptive and surveying. The studied society is experts group of productivity and outsourcing area and the tool for validating the model is questionnaire. Validity of questionnaire questions is based on Lawshe formula and validity of the whole questionnaire is tested using Cronbakh alpha=0.86, and the questionnaire was validated using ending two sentence examination, therefore proposed model is known as valid because of validity and ending tests, also performance of model was measured in the case study.


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