Analysis of Interactions Among the Barriers of Reverse Logistics in Iran Khodro Company (IKCO) with ISM Methodology


The concept of reverse logistics has received growing attention in the last decades, due to a number of factors. Competition and marketing motives, direct economic motives and concerns with the environment are some of the important of them. With the legislative measures tightening up, there are not many options left with the companies, but to go for reverse logistics practices. The implementation of these may be a risky endeavor for the top management as it involves financial and operational aspects, which determine the performance of the company in the long run.
Today the reverse logistics has become one of the most challenging subjects in automobile Industry’s supply chain. Hence the recognition of the barriers which hinder the reverse logistics application is so important. Since the researchers usually discuss on the every barrier separately.
There is a need to develop a model which shows all the barriers and their ranking in a sol format. In this paper we tried to find the major barriers in reverse logistics hence we review the published literature in reverse logistics area and we interview with some experts in logistics sector at the specific formats. And at the end we adjust the first phase with the second one. Then we used the interpretive structural modeling to ranking the barriers and identifying the relation between them.


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