A Model for Outsourcing Decisions by Using of Organization Strategy Cube Techniques and ANP


Nowadays agents for successful Presence in competition and gaining more market share than to competitors must focus on their main activities and other activities to external sources do outsourcing. This paper meantime the investigate of outsourcing decision process, presented a model for decision making about the manufacturing / purchasing and supplier selection, with approach of analytic network process (ANP). This model is two-stage, that in first stage the measure of alignment product / activity for the manufacturing / purchasing by agent strategy cube is determined and in this stage involved criteria’s in decision-making, including main activity and Organization strategic and preparation for outsourcing and fear of shaping competition in future. Approach of selecting outsourcing or manufacturing at this stage, is not as yes / no or zero and one, but also outsourcing in several levels is considered. In other words, between the complete outsourcing until manufacturing, a range of outsourcing is considered. In the next stage about benefits of manufacturing/purchasing and select the most suitable supplier with approach of ANP decision making will be acted. Also at this stage of product strategy criteria’s, quality strategy, financial strategy and cost, technology strategy and knowledge, supply chain management strategy and support for decision making it will be used.


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