Service-Oriented Architecture A New Approach to the Integration of Logistics Information Systems


The Integration of information systems is one of the major needs and concerns of the large organizations. Communication spread and development of computerized information systems has increased the expectations of managers and users about the speed and access quality to the information. However, without an Integration perspective at various levels of information and operation, this cannot be achieved. One of the distinctive features of the SEPAH Logistics, having a wide geographical distribution among different categories. Also, the existence of influence upstream categories at its macroeconomic policies, not only the systems integration within the organization, but also the interoperability between the several organizations is very important Moreover, this situation highlights the need to integrity of data and processes, and increases the complexity and difficulty of the problem from a technical and architecture perspective. In this paper, a crucial role of service-oriented architecture in facilitates of interoperability and integration of SEPAH Logistics total systems will be discussed.


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