Development of the Supplier Selection Model by Applying Fuzzy MCDM Technique with Regarding to Criteria Interdependence


Due to intense competition, rapid advances in technology, short product cycles and the need to give high levels of customer service, companies can not afford to own all of their activities. So that today the level of competition has moved from companies to the level of supply chain and optimal index in service-oriented systems throughout the supply chain system is desired. Within this chain, companies are forced to do part or all of their manufacturing operations out of the organization by suppliers. This is where companies consider their suppliers, as one of the important supply chain rings. Thus, the suppliers are responsible for the vast majority of processes affecting performance and quality of the final product or service.. In the past, researches that have been done with other methods of multiple criteria decision making, supplier selection criteria are assumed to be largely independent of each other and their impact on each other and selection process, has been little attentioned. While these criteria are often not independent of each other and the combined effects on each other and thus affect the overall evaluation process should be considered.
In this paper, a method for multi-criteria decision making to supplier selection is proposed that In addition to the expert-based and data-based weights, consider the relationship between the criteria. Handling uncertainty in decision-making and realistic results, fuzzy numbers in the proposed model is applied. In this study it is assumed that the primary criteria are independent, compared matrix extracted from the weight of expert opinions are compatible and the weight of opinions of all experts alike are equal.


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