The Ranking of Key Factors of Agility Supply Chain’s Success in Designing and Producing of Cultural Production


For today’s in changing environment, Supply Chain Agility is a critical factors which is effective on company’s success and result in competition through organizations. So Supply Chain Managers who should develop Supply Chain Process with a acceptable cost and on the other hand result in increasing customer’s satisfaction. So activities such as: Supply and Demand Planning, Material Preparation, Production and Planning of Product or Service, Good’s retention, Inventory Control, Distribution, Delivery and Customer Service which have already done in a organization, now have been transformed to this chain.
So in this paper we have tried to estimate indexes such as rate coordination with changes, answering, introducing of new product, cost reduction, Development of Staff’s skills, Appropriate Planning, Quality of Services and Production and classified in Fuzzy and Statistical methods based on the importance and function. According to this paper Rate Coordination with Changes and Quality of Production have a high priority in two methods and the most important common barrier in development of Agility level is lack of attention to cost reduction.          


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