Assessing and Determinating the Status of a Passenger Transportation Company through INQA Adapted from EFQM


Nowadays assessing the quality of services and making improvements is essential. On this basis, the aim of this descriptive and practical survey (which was done in Hamsafar Transportation Company) is not only to introduce the EFQM and INQA, but also to assess the 9 criteria of the EFQM model. The total score of the company is 593.75, the share of “Enablers” criteria from the total score is 304.25 points and the share of “Results” is 289.5 points. The criterion with the top score is “Customer Results” and the least score is from “People Results”. The rest of the ranking is “Leadership”, “Strategy”, “Processes, Products & Services”, “People”, “Partnerships & Resources”, “Society results” and “Key results”, respectively. One of the most potential improvements in the company is documenting the strategy, policy, programs and goals in a more accurate way. Also the first priority is to identify, control and improve the company's processes. Based on company’s level of maturity and EFQM excellence model, the company is in initial level of excellence and in order to yield to sustainable excellence, they should reinforce strengthens and obviate weaknesses through planning


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