Product Safety Standards: Guidance for Suppliers and Supporter of Supply Chain


In the modern world today where the margin of error is minimal for the growth and at the same time there is a very competitive and challenging economic environment, it is very significant and crucial that efficiency is being prevailed in the organization through the help of international standards through which the respective organization should maximize their profits and should meet their respective goals and objectives. International Standard Organization (ISO) every year publishes new International Standards with cooperation with their members. One of the most important standards related to product safety affairs. Two new standards ISO10377:2013 and ISO10393:2013 parallel together cover issues such as consumer products, providing guidance on reducing the risk of harm to consumers and users and product recall process. ISO10377:2013 provides practical guidance for suppliers of all sizes to assist them in assessing and managing the safety of the consumer products they supply. ISO10393:2013 provides practical guidance to suppliers on consumer product recalls and other corrective actions after the product has left the manufacturing facility. In this article has been tried that on the basis of these two new ISO standards, collections of efficient and effective approaches for suppliers present to guide them in assessing safety of the consumer products and necessary recalls. Applying of these standards guarantees consumer safety and causes positive changes in organizations and also sustainability


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