Standardization Process Quality Monitoring Instruments and Equipment in the Process of Equipping the Sepah


Obtaining feedback timely, accurate and secure shopping process on the wheel equipped sepah can not only bring dynamism in the process, but most of the entries in the reform process to produce the desired results (without duplication).
These attitudes are essentially a form of control and monitoring, as a standardized approach to defining and implementing them in many ways, contributed to the planning and logistics system will support the sepah (although in some cases, that the process track).Monitoring the quality of items and equipment to equip the sepah because of the content lifecycle, degrees and degree (at different levels of structural sepah) which are at various stages of the functional requirements of the existing process and criteria evolved a comprehensive review of logical principles replace it. Therefore, explanation and definition of standard criteria and indicators defined at all stages of the process (with the participation and cooperation of the beneficiary) are not only enhancing its enforcement, but having a standard process of quality monitoring, control gains major functional areas of logistics sepah and support systems.


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