Identifying Operation Obstacles of Car Ball Joint Making Industrial Securing Chain in Zahedan Industrial Zone


The present paper explores the barriers to the supply chain of the lightweight construction in the automotive industry in Zahedan. The aim of the study is to identify the barriers and the key performance of the automotive supply chain to help develop the production so as to achieve, in this way, higher quality products in less time and high customer satisfaction. To this end, the factors affecting the supply chain performance such as financial, administrative, and transportation factors were identified pertinent to each of which a questionnaire was adjusted. The reliability and the validity of the questionnaire was evaluated and confirmed. Then, the questionnaire was distributed among in a population of 30 experts in the automotive industry. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS18 software. The results of the study, finally, revealed that the transportation parameter is the most important barrier to the proper and efficient performance of the supply chain


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