Decision Making Model for Repair, Rebuild or Replacement Corporate Old Buses (Case Study: Buses of a Military Organization)


One of the important issues in the field of organizational decisions is determine the optimal time of use the equipment. Managers should take proper decision to repair, rebuild or replace the equipment, so that the greatest benefit and the least cost to the organization.
In the military, moving units, items, equipment and manpower, is the part of the logistics system mission. In this regard, the manpower, military equipment, ammunition, food and other requirements for timely transfer to the desired location.
In this paper an attempt has been detected using the techniques of engineering economics and life cycle costs in the economic evaluation, technical assessment and evaluation of appropriate budgetary decisions pattern rebuild or replacement of old buses provided has the advantage of saving the organization cost. The model presented in the form of a numerical example of 30 buses in a military organization is described.


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