Identifying Factors Influencing Improvement Use of Military Tactical Vehicles


M.S Student in Industrial Engineering, University of Imam Hossein (PBHU), Corresponding Author


In this paper, a framework for optimizing operation of light tactical vehicles in corps of Defense Force offered. There are many models for optimizing operation and check the number of existing models, the proposed model was presented. The main processes include the "relevant selection criteria and priorities" is. In terms of data collection, interviews and questionnaires have been distributed.
The population of experts and managers working in the field of transportation, logistics and support that is familiar to them. Criteria for approval, a questionnaire were distributed among 50 experts and 44 completed questionnaires were collected to determine the validity by using lavshh formula and were approved with modifications. The reliability of the statistical analysis software SPSS was assessed using Cronbach's alpha value was greater than 0.7, indicating that it is reliable.
The main measures optimizing utilization of light tactical vehicles in this study consisted of "supply and procurement, distribution, storage, maintenance and operation" is detected And analyzed using the Friedman (nonparametric) and TOPSIS conceptual model of the causes and the reasons for their subsidiary's ratings. The output of this project was to implement the appropriate Corps.


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