Analyzing LARGe Supply Chain Management Using Dematel Technique in Saipa


From the beginning of emerging concept of supply chain, a variety of strategies or paradigms have been developed for supply chain organizations .The most important paradigms are four main paradigms, namely the lean, agile, resilience and green. Each of these paradigms has advantages and disadvantages. Using the benefits of this paradigms and the plan to eliminate the disadvantages of each paradigms in the supply chain activities, increases the potential for value creation in the supply chain .Thus, this study seeks to explore the integration of four paradigms to supply chain management using Dematel Technique. For this purpose, the first step is to examine various models of integration paradigms were and finally, LARGe supply chain management model, was chosen as the most comprehensive model in this context, and some changes in the parameters of this model were given by opinion of Saipa Company experts. After finalization of these factors, to determine the relationship between the criteria used Dematel.  The results show that the most effective criteria In order to influence are resilient approach, cost, focal firm and product quality.


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