Proposing a Framework to Improve Supply Chain Resilience Performance


In today’s global economy, the intense competition among organizations has led them to work in condition of uncertainty whereby high risks are faced.  These risks have negative impact on the supply chain of companies and can lead to reduce profitability and competitive advantages. Supply chain management should go to the different and innovative approaches to able in dealing with the disruptions. Creating a resilient supply chain could be the appropriate answer; however, this is a new area of research that still needs to be investigated further. To this end, this paper investigates this approach and analyses the supply chain and the risks and disruptions it faces determines enablers and practices of resilient supply chain and  also, the influence of resilient practices on supply chain performance and competitiveness by some evidence of different studies related to it. Finally, a framework proposes to improve resilient supply chain performance. As a result, this research can provide better understanding of supply chain resilience for managers of companies in order to maintain their competitiveness and improve their supply chain performance.


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