Identifying the Structure and Performance Measurements of Tourism Supply Chain Management in Mashhad: An Empirical Study


Religious tourism plays an important role in nurturing the spiritual and keeping the peace of minds in the societies. Furthermore, attracting foreign tourists has made the true face of Islam and the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the realities of our country, present to the other nations. One of the social requirements of religious tourism in Mashhad is devoting enough attention to the leisure time of travelers, which can be along the pilgrimage and can provide Good times and refreshing part for pilgrims with no hassle and inconvenience. In this paper the conceptual structure of Tourism Supply Chain Management (TSCM) is introduced and then its principles and components are presented. The suggested model is more complete than all previous samples and it has tried to explain all aspects of the structure. Next, the comprehensive framework for evaluating TSCM is presented. Moreover, this framework has three levels and the ability to assess the qualitative and quantitative indicators and measurements. For instance, this model is implemented in Mashhad (according to the especially religious position of this city) and finally, shortcomings have been identified.


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