Formulation and Production of Long-Lasting Energizing Snacks for Military and Evaluation of it's Organoleptic Characteristics


Snacks play a major role to supply nutritional needs of the armed forces in different operating conditions, because they are considered as a replacement for carbohydrate reserves in muscles after physical activity. The purpose of this study was to formulate and test long-lasting energizing snacks for military on different operations. 6 cereal bars were prepared containing formulations sesame seeds, raisins, wheat, apricots, nuts and peanuts. In this regard, a questionnaire was prepared and organoleptic characteristics of the samples were evaluated by 100 military soldiers in Alborz and Sistan-Baluchestan provinces. The results showed that raisins and sesame bars (3.05 out of 4 points) and apricot and walnut bars (2.99 out of 4 points) had the highest and lowest scores, respectively. The overall results indicated that most participants in the evaluation would agree with these bars in military diet.


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