A Framework for Performance Measurement of Supply Chain Mapping based on Quality Management Concept


Expansion of markets and products has drawn competition of companies to their supply chains and their focus on performance of these chains as the only way to achieve competitive advantage in today’s global business markets. Performance of supply chain has a key role in the success of a company and its stability in achievement of goals- especially profitability. In line with this, it seems necessary to implement a supply chain performance assessment system to identify weak points and guarantee continuous improvement. After the identification phase, it is necessary to have a perfect and powerful tool for comparative analysis of all supply chain activities and operations.
Supply chain quality management (SCQM) has been defined as a systematic approach to improve the performance of organizations which deploys the created opportunities by the downstream and upstream communication with suppliers and customers in the organization. This paper focuses on the key factors of supply chain quality management and related performance measurement in organizations. For this purpose, preliminary key factors were identified from a review of research studies. Seven preliminary factors were refined and validated through interviews with supply chain quality management executives and experts. Thus, this research has provided 7 key factors and 40 sub-factors for evaluating supply chain quality management. Additionally, these factors are ranked according to the importance of key factors in evaluation of supply chain quality management. Finally, the refined key factors and sub-factors for evaluating supply chain quality management have formed the basis of a self-assessment process that can be used by firms to evaluate the performance of organizations and companies in the implementation of supply chain quality management


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