A Review of Inventory Models with a Sustainable Approach to Supply Chain

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Assistant Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology


Nowadays with the increase of global concerns for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, manufacturers seek to reduce and control these emissions in their productive systems activities, so that supply chain operations with considering sustainability has become an important issue in recent years. Previous studies have mainly looked at the design and configuration of green supply chain, with the aim of reducing waste and carbon emission. But since the important role of inventory in supply chain has been proven, and in fact the sustainable inventory is a holistic perspective of inventory management that goes beyond the focus on goods delivery, holding and traditional cost views; researchers have examined the effects of inventory management engaged in reducing environmental damages of organization in recent years. They also try to take environmental and social impacts into account by extending the inventory models. In this study, we try to review sustainable inventory models comprehensively. Accordingly, the previous studies are classified based on different combinations of sustainability dimensions and each category is separately analyzed. Finally, research gaps are described and recommendations for future studies are proposed.


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