Manufacturing Networks and Supply Chains: an Operations Strategy Perspective

Document Type : Case- study


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch

2 M.Sc. in industrial Management, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch


The purpose of this paper is to analyze manufacturing networks and supply chains from an operations strategy perspective. These two areas have traditionally been treated as separate research tracks, but with the ongoing globalization of markets and operations there is a need to integrate these complementary disciplines to study networks of facilities. In this paper we examine the two research areas based on two structural decision categories in an operations strategy, i.e., facilities and vertical integration. We present a typology for the analysis of network systems resulting in four basic network configurations. Coordination of activities within the network is contingent upon the configuration, thus resulting in four coordination approaches. The configuration and coordination analysis can be used as a foundation for further research in the context of integrating manufacturing network and supply chain theory.


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