An Innovative Method for Evaluating and Selecting the Equipment for Isfahan Steel Company

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student in Industrial Engineering, Economic and Social Systems Engineering, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran


The evaluation and selection of equipment is one of the important issues in the management of an organization or firm. The actions of an organization to evaluate and select of equipment will lead to a competitive advantage and improve the organization's performance. This becomes more complicated when there are different options for purchasing. At the same time, buyers consider all quantitative and qualitative criteria influencing the decision in an effort to evaluate and select the best of equipment. Multi-criteria decision making theory provides methods for choosing the best option. One of these methods can be pointed out by SAW, TOPSIS and GRA, and the average of these three methods it can be a suitable criterion for combining the three methods and providing a single option. The response surface methodology is a set of statistical techniques and applied mathematics for constructing empirical models. The purpose of the response procedures is to estimate the response (output variable) based on several independent variables (input variables) using appropriate experiments. The purpose of the present research is to provide an innovative method for evaluating and selecting the equipment of the Isfahan Smelting Company. In this study, the design of experiments to make options the experiments were carried out and for each option, the mean relation between three SAW, TOPSIS and GRA as dependent variable and criteria as discrete variables were investigated by response surface methodology. The result of the research indicates the accuracy of this combination method, as the ranking of options based on the proposed method with the average of three methods is consistent.


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