Application of Simulation in Hospital Management

Document Type : Applied Article


M.Sc. Student in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


In hospital management, we are seeking to increase quality and reduce costs, while there are resource constraints, for optimal allocation of resources and scheduling time, many developed technologies for development of health-care called simulations, and Process progress has been made to create realistic profiles. These simulations can be used to facilitate a better understanding of the different situations and system bottlenecks, coordination training in logistics, decision-making processes, and design aspects of health care systems. In this research, we have explored a variety of simulation models and their applications in managing hospital systems and provide simulation models that can be useful for training individuals in the logistic coordination of operations that are performed daily. Examining different types of simulation models in several papers, their use to create various scenarios to solve a variety of issues that are present in hospital management, as well as for training sessions. Extensive studies in simulation research in the field of logistics health care systems show the growth of the use simulation techniques in adjusting these systems.


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