Benchmarking the Reverse Logistics System in a Military Organization

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, University of Imam Hossein (PBHU)

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Industrial Engineering, Manager of Amad (Supply Chain) Research Group, Logistics Studies & Research Center, University of Imam Hossein (PBHU)

3 M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Logistics Studies & Research Center, University of Imam Hossein (PBHU)


In this paper, we have tried to extract the methods of improvement in the processes and structure of the reverse logistics in a military organization with a comparative study of leading armies reverse logistics and applying expert opinions. For this purpose, the reverse logistics field of the NATO, Russia, United Kingdom and US armed forces was studied and analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of each country were identified. After summarizing and verifying by the experts, the implementation issues and improvement solutions in the organization studied were grouped in three areas: reverse logistics specialist processes, management processes and enablers.
Comparative study is one of the methods used as a benchmarking. In this method, the status, progress, qualities of services, as well as systems of other similar organizations that are more advanced than our organization are studied and their advantages are benchmarked.
In the organization studied, reverse logistics, as "Determining the status of Items and Equipment," is one of the logistics subsystems that have the task of determining the status of the organization's excessive and unused items and equipment. The state of the surplus goods of the organization is determined in terms of usable, outdated, transferable or donated, and so on.


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[11] EO 13423