The Impact of Supply Chain Strategies on Supply Chain Integration and Competitive Performance (Case Study: Kerman Tire Industry)

Document Type : Case- study


1 Master’s student, Management Department, Executive Management Branch, Production and operation trends, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Professor, Management Department, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


This study aims to create a comprehensive model that facilitates understanding the relationship between supply chain strategies, supply chain integration and competitive performance. Data were collected using a questionnaire to assess the components of supply chain strategies, supply chain integration and competitive performance. All the managers and staff involved in the supply chain of the Kerman Barez tire Factory are the statistical community of the study. The reliability of each of the variables was measured using Cronbach's alpha. We tested the proposed model using structural equations modeling and PLS software was used to examine the relationship between variables and test hypotheses. By examining the relationship between supply chain strategies, supply chain integration and competitive performance, the results show that Lean supply chain strategy has a positive relationship with three dimensions of supply chain integration; and a Lean supply chain is appropriate for firms placing higher priorities on cost, quality, and delivery strategies. While an agile supply chain is appropriate for firms competing on the flexibility strategy. In this statistical society, agile supply chain strategy has been positively correlated with the dimension of internal integrity. In addition, both lean and agile supply chain strategies require higher levels of supply chain integration in terms of internal and external integration, but lean supply chain strategies have a significantly higher impact on external integration than agile strategies. Also, internal integration and customer integration have been positively correlated with the competitive performance of the organization.


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