Boeing's New Approach to Supplier Management

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 MBA Graduate Student, Integrated Management and Soft Technology Department, Malek Ashtar University

2 Quality Control Manager, Pelan Company


According to enhancement of the quality and quantity of goods and services in the country's defense sector, it is necessary to revise systems and procedures involved in the value chain of these products and services in terms of quality and the process. One of these processes is, in particular, networking and management of suppliers whose correct and timely transformation can improve the quality of the products and services of defense organizations and industry while reducing significantly some costs of traditional networking and supplier management model and structure. In this regard, knowledge of effective and successful practices of large companies and the global leaders in this field, if in the context of logical and correct and or Islamic human thinking and based on environmental facts is implemented, can be in line with the correct network architecture and the right direction to move the defense organizations be useful. Learning from exemplars and use of knowledge and human experience is such an important issue that the Prophet emphasized its achievement even in China and Pleiades. Therefore, the present study with a descriptive analytical approach, plans to study the Boeing Company to investigate a new approach to creating strategic partners network and proper management of suppliers.
Results show that the Boeing company with the design and deployment of a new approach in its supply chain management could compensate its rising costs, increasing delivery time and poor quality as indicators of the inefficiency of the traditional model, and function as an ultimate integrator of its value chain of products (Boeing 787).

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