Investigating and Analyzing the Impact of Organizational Innovation on Supply Chain Resilience (Case study of manufacturing companies in the field of metal industries based in Shahrekord industrial towns)


1 Graduate Master of Industrial Management, Noore Hedayat University of Shahrekord

2 C.BPhD of Industrial Management (field of systems). Eslamic Azad University of Esfehan(Unit of Khorasgan)

3 Graduate Master of Business Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Corresponding author


The study and analysis of the impact of organizational innovation on supply chain resilience in manufacturing companies in the field of metal industries based in Shahrekord industrial towns are the main objective of this study. The research method was descriptive - correlation and its statistical society, managers and employees of the supply chain of procurement, production, operations and commerce of manufacturing companies in the field of metal industries based on these companies, numbering 600 people, using the Cochran sample size formula 235 people were selected in a class
The tool used in this study is Caraboolot Enterprise Innovation Questionnaire (including dimensions of manufacturing innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and organizational innovation) and supply chain resilience inventory. Its validity was confirmed by content-based method and the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha formula for organizational innovation questionnaire 0.85 and for the resiliency questionnaire 0.88.
Descriptive and inferential statistics (regression test) were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that manufacturing innovation, marketing innovation, and organizational innovation had a direct impact on supply chain resilience, with the highest impact of 0.94 on organizational innovation and the lowest impact (0.26) on the dimension of manufacturing innovation


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