Supply Chain Performance Measurement based on BSC and Lean thinking;Case Study: Petrochemical Projects

Document Type : Case- study


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Gonabad, Iran

2 Graduate in Industrial Engineering, Imam Hossein University


Paying attention to the management of the supply chain in the projects is one of the things that affect the success of the project; and lack of attention may increase the cost and delay in the project. Reducing negative impacts (cost and project delays) through the management of supply chains, especially in petrochemical projects, can be an effective step in preventing the loss of financial resources, manpower, and time, due to their high cost and design costs. To manage the supply chain, the performance of the chain must first be evaluated, so as to identify the current path and target for future performance, identify the appropriate route and, consequently, manage the chain of meaning. For each evaluation, comprehensive and complete criteria are needed to evaluate systematically in addition to addressing different aspects of the supply chain. In this research, based on the decision-making model, the petrochemical project supply chain has been identified, and a model based on a balanced scorecard has been selected among existing models. Then, the performance criteria of the supply chain of industrial projects are identified on the basis of lean thinking, and finally, using AHP, these criteria have been prioritized, so that industry benchmarks based on the BSC model and lean thinking are identified


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