A Method for Virtualization of Objects in the Supply Chain, Based on Device-Dependent Temporary Services Architecture in IOT Environment (Case Study: Bus Tickets)

Document Type : Case- study


1 Ph.D Student, IT Group, Shahid Beheshti University, Corresponding author

2 Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Shahid Beheshti University


With the advancement of technology, many physical objects have been designed in a digital format such as books, tickets, and so on. In most cases, any virtual object can only be interpreted by a particular application software, so there will be a problem of interpretation. Virtual objects are a new set of objects in the cyber space and can do many things online and offline. Different research efforts have tried to provide a common structure for defining and managing virtual objects based on service-oriented architecture called device-dependent temporary services. In this paper, while defining a virtual object, it examines the features and benefits of the architecture of the device-dependent temporary services, and a method for implementing the virtual object of bus ticket as a case study based on it. The results show that the benefits of virtualization of bus tickets in the process of utilizing the relevant services have more value than other solutions


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