Introduction of a modular multi-objective model for emergency medical service location problem Case study: Kerman City

Document Type : Case- study


1 Ph.D. Student in Business Management, Faculty of Economic, Management and Administrative Science, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 *- Professor of Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of science & Technology, Tehran, Iran


The present study introduces a bi-objective optimization model for emergency medical service location to make balance between accessibility and coverage target functions. The recommended model considers location strategic decisions and allocation tactical decisions. Moreover, in contrary to most models which consider fixed capacity for potential points of facilities that cause some limitations in using such models; this article introduces a modular planning problem that is capable of considering several possible capacities for facilities. The new model considers the allocation of demands out of coverage zone for optimal location of ambulances. Applying of this model to the case study that its data obtained from emergency center of Kerman City was studied. Finally, the numerical results obtained from model deployment and sensitivity analysis tests were presented in addition to managerial points. 


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