Investigating the factors affecting firm`s resilient in supply chain disruptions situation (Case study: Alborz industrial town manufacturing firm’s in Qazvin province)

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Department of Industrial management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin.

2 Assistant Professor in Industrial of Imam Khomeini

3 Department of industrial management,Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, qazvin


Purpose: Resilience is one of the most important factors against different types of disruption to maintain organizations survival and their supply chain. In the meantime, firms with high resilience, remain stable in supply chain disruption situation. Therefore, this study is proposed to investigate the factors affecting firm’s resilience to maintain their optimal status in the disruption situations. 
Methodology: This study in terms of objective, is an applied one, and is a descriptive-analytic research in terms of type and nature of research, and it is a sectional survey in terms of method. The required statistical data were collected by the use of simple random sampling method and distributing questionnaires among 180 managers of Alborz industrial towns. In order to analyze the data we used the Structural Equation Modeling Smart PLS and SPSS software. 
Findings: Outcomes indicated that in low disruption situation, involved factors in supply chain disruption orientation, knowledge management, human resources strategy and dynamic competitiveness are affected by the firm’s resilience. However, in these circumstances, the resources reconfiguration and organizational innovations have no mediating role. Also, in high disruption situation, resources reconfiguration, knowledge management and dynamic competitiveness have a significant and direct effect on firm’s resilience. On the other hand, resources reconfiguration has a significant mediating effect on the relationship between the supply chain disruption orientation and firm’s resilience. But, organizational innovation has no mediator effect on the relationship between knowledge management and firm’s resilience.  
Contribution: The conceptual model of study is new and based on investigated which we did in several studies. According to the conducted studies, it is the most comprehensive model presented the factors affecting the firm resilience in terms of supply disruptions for the first times in Iran, which has been tested in two situation of low disruption and high disruption.
Implications: The results of study will help firms to prepare themselves by applying the factors which are effective on resilience before occurring disruption. It will also be effective for firms that are in disruption situation and those one that will to improve their resilience.


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