Comparison of the outsourcing decision-making procedures; Focusing on outsourcing logistic activities

Document Type : Review Article


Today the traditional problem of decision making, make or buy, is discussed as source selection, sourcing, or outsourcing, and is of the issues that modern organizations widely face it. Commercial and industrial managers should choose the candidate activities of the organization/ supply chain for outsourcing by a decision making process in a systematic structure to enjoy from the benefits of outsourcing. An important issue in outsourcing that should be considered is that how an organization decides which activities to outsource and which done by its own? Significant academic researches in the use of outsourcing in producing activities are available, but unfortunately few studies in the field of outsourcing services have been made. This paper introduced applied aspects of techniques and approaches of outsourcing decision making, advantages, disadvantages and fields of application of each of them. Also, focusing on logistics outsourcing, criteria that should considered in the model of decision-making for outsourcing logistic activities are discussed. This paper can provide a decent practical and scientific context for managers.


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