Logistics Engineering in the Procurement Process

Document Type : Applied Article


The intense competition and emergence of challenging environments in the new world attracts attention
Industries have become logistical and engineering engineering estimates. This article tries to
The need for industrial science to understand the concepts and tools of modern logistics engineering for operation
Investigate it in business and system activities and present new concepts of engineering
Pay logistics. In this regard, to explain the differences between the category of past and present logistics
Introduce and introduce a way to use these concepts in organizations. The ultimate goal of this
Article on the need to create a field of study under this title in higher education institutions
Is the country.


1- فصلنامه فر آماد سال هفتم شماره 24 و 25 -تابستان و پاییز 1384 صفحه 96
2- بر گرفته از مقدمه دفترک سیستم مدیریت اطلاعات پایه لجستیک منتشره
توسط مرکز مطالعات وپژوهشهای سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی
3- برخى قسمتها از مقاله زیر ترجمه گردیده است:

“contractor logistic impacts on corporate logistic engineering” by charles o.
e-mail:jdever@ale.com coogan,C.p.L,fellow.
4- logistic engineering and support at PRS
5- combatant logistics command &control by professor david schrady naval
postgraduate school montery,california
6- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/logistic_engineering