The place of supply chain in modern management

Document Type : Scientific Paper


Many companies around the world have concluded that providing services alongside production is more profitable than producing the product alone. They seek to maximize their total profits in the value chain to the final consumer level. These firms are involved in downstream activities and have moved to provide services to the end consumer in order to engage in valuable economic activities that take place throughout the production cycle.
Value Chain Attitude; That is, the supply chain includes all the activities needed to provide a product or service to the end customer. With this attitude, production and shipping activities will

be added to the supply chain. Therefore, in the new world where there is fierce competition for the production of goods, producers are approaching consumers. In addition to providing the product, manufacturers also offer a variety of services to minimize the cost of using and maintaining the product in order to gain the trust of Egypt. The supply chain is the complete process of providing goods and services for consumption. Final Manufacturer and Supply Chain Management; That is, managing the flow of goods and services, information and money to increase profitability. In this paper, while examining the various dimensions and concepts of supply chain management, the status of the fields of source finding, production and distribution in supply chains is also examined and then current and future trends in supply chain management are described.


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