Advances in the US Army's logistical function in the 2003 war of domination

Document Type : Scientific Paper


The recent war between the United States and Iraq is crucial. First, it introduces us to modern military thought around the world and provides a powerful tool for upgrading its military heart and related techniques. This incident caused different views to be expressed and an excuse to express opinions and research.

Second, the narrative-analytical study of each military event is part of the "indirect experience" that any military or those interested in the science and art of war need to improve their skills. Military knowledge and the art of war have been taught over the years in formal and informal discourse and education, but perhaps several generations of people in the country have failed to put it to the test in real life, and this is the fundamental difference between this science and other disciplines. This article tries to cover some of the situation and some logistical functions of the US military in the form of a battle scene.


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