Logistics Management in China

Document Type : Case- study


China is one of the major investment targets of multinational corporations. Foreign investors have flocked to China to exploit the open door policy. It is expected that the further opening of the Chinese market after the country's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) will further strengthen foreign trade and investment in the country, but, despite these optimisms, unfortunately, most foreign companies In the face of the flow of information and materials in China, they are facing logistical problems. A review of sources related to logistics and transportation research shows that despite recognizing the main obstacles to logistics management, the important and vital aspect of the issue, the legal environment in China, has been neglected. In this article, we try to identify the gap between China's legal environment and its logistical capabilities, and the gap created by the lack of experimental studies in this regard.


felix W.H. chan, Logistics Management in china universiy of hong kong,2002.