Fundamentals of military nutrition and operational diets of recent wars

Document Type : Applied Article


Given the importance and role of nutrition in the efficiency of the military, the provision of food rations appropriate to the operations and specific conditions of the war is an important issue in support. In particular, the nature of recent warfare operations has complicated and differentiated the nutritional needs of soldiers and combatants under difficult warfare conditions and with great mobility and mobility. For this reason, this article examines the basics of determining military food rations and operational rations of recent wars


 ۱۔ صدیق، گیتی؛ امین پور، آزاده؛ تغذیه درمانی؛ شرکت سهامی انتشار، چاپخانه حیدری، چاپ ششم، اردیبهشت ۱۳۷۰.
۲۔ وزارت دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح، سازمان اتکا، معاونت بازرسی، مدیریت بهداشت و ایمنی؛ مروری بر جیره های فردی نظامی در ارتش
امریکا؛ تهیه و تنظیم: بهمن کیایی؛ ساسان پورجعفری؛ تابستان ۱۳۸۲.

3- perational Rations of the Department of Defense Natick PAM 30-25, 5 th Edition, April 2002.
4- Nutrition Standards and Education; Army Regulation 40-25, BUMEDINST 10110.6, AFI 44-141,
Washington, DC 15 June 2001.                                                                                       
5- Nutrition For Health and Preformance, 2001; Nutritional Guidance for Military Operation in
Temperate and Extreme Environments; USARIEM Technical Note TN-01/4. 6- Basic Doctrine Army Field Feeding, Field Manual, u.s. army, 1996.