The scope and dimensions of property control in organizations

Document Type : Scientific Paper


A huge amount of an organization's assets are property. The need to protect, maintain and protect property and prevent its unlawful use, as well as the maintenance and classification of property accounts, has led organizations to establish property control systems. But the question has always been, for most organizations, and therefore property control systems, what is subject to property control? Once the issues under control have been identified, the question arises again, to what extent should they be controlled? And finally, the final question is, what aspects and dimensions of the issue should be controlled? In this article, we try to answer these questions. Therefore, in the first part of the realm and control of property; Thematic, temporal and spatial, operational and organizational are determined; And then, the dimensions of property control are examined. Today, large organizations with an economist approach, with a variety of control programs and patterns, monitor and monitor the items and property of the organization from the beginning to the end of consumption and also monitor the quality of consumption, operation and use of them.


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