Pricing for a multi-channel supply chain with the participation of a third-party logistics service: A game theory approach

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Yazd university

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Yazd University

3 Head of Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Yazd University


One of the main challenges of the governments of each country is the increase in pollution caused by the production of products by manufacturers. Increased pollution leads to a significant growth in the number of patients with heart failure, respiratory failure and other diseases. One of the ways to deal with this situation is to produce green products with the least degree of pollution caused by the production. The green supply chain is one of the necessary solutions to improve the current situation. Pollution is not only due to the production of the product by the manufacturers, but also the transportation of products by non-standard means of transport is a factor in the production of pollution. In this study, a supply chain with a manufacturer and a third-party logistics company (3PL) that the government monitors the supply chain is considered. The government monitors on the supply chain by setting tariffs for the producer. The results show that the presence of a 3PL, although it increases the selling price of products, but reduces pollution and also increases the amount of demand.


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