Analysis of the role of knowledge management in sustainable supply chain management using interpretative structural modeling approach (ISM) (Case study: Agriculture organization of yazd province)

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Associate Professor of Management Faculty, Meybod University,

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Yazd University

3 Master science of Information Technology Management - University of Science and Art

4 Master science of Management, Vali-e-Asr Rafsanjan University


In the present era, organizations and companies are seeking to take sustainability measures into their core functions. One of these measures is the assessment of suppliers based on sustainability indicators. Also, organizations must have sufficient knowledge and information about their field of work and sustainable development so that they can take steps to implement sustainability measures. For this purpose, knowledge management is one of the most important factors that has a significant impact on the implementation of the sustainable supply chain. Since knowledge management plays an important role in advancing the goals of the successful organizations of the world, it can be said that knowledge management can be used to achieve the sustainability of the supply chain. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the role of knowledge management in sustainable supply chain management with interpretive structural modeling approach. For this purpose, after studying the literature of research and interviewing experts, 19 factors have been identified that affect the implementation of knowledge management in sustainable supply chain management. These factors were then formulated in the form of an ISM questionnaire and distributed among the experts. After analyzing the data and designing a structural model for the factors affecting the implementation of knowledge management in the sustainable supply chain, a total of 19 variables were identified in 12 levels. In the analysis of Micmac, the independent and dependent variables and binding variables, which have a two-way relationship with other factors, were also identified.


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