Developing a causal model of factors influencing supply chain resilience

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Faculty of Management, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


Factors such as political issues, demand fluctuations, technological changes, financial
instability, natural disasters, and more importantly the competitive environment of the business,
increase the uncertainty and risks in the supply chain. Management of such risks, namely,
resilient supply chain, is one of the current challenges of organizations. Therefore, organizations
need to design and understand the dynamics of factors affecting supply chain resiliency to
formulate sustainability strategies. In this research, by investigating related literature, the related
components of the resilient supply chain and balanced scorecard have been identified to map the
causes and effects of resilient supply chain with the Meta-synthesis approach, which have been
confirmed by experts. The results were categorized into three categories and ten dimensions with
83 codes. Finally, by the help of the results and the relationships between them, the causal model
of the factors influencing resilient supply chain has been developed. The diagram prepared in
this research provides an overview for supply chain managers by considering the dynamics of
parameters affecting policy making. Effective key components to reduce recovery time and
increase resilience have been identified based on field studies, which have highlighted the
importance of risk management in resilience through supply chain agility, reengineering,
integration and flexibility which is strengthened by investing in the development of
organization's growth and learning.


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