Ranking criteria required for the classification of highly consumed items (case study: Sarcheshmeh Copper)

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,

3 Head of Warehouses office, Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex


One of the key issues in inventory management is classification of items, it is necessary to
have various depots to produce various products in this age that variety and diversity of products
are the focus. However, this variety of items and diversity show the necessity of extracting some
criteria for precise and efficient classification more than ever. The aim of this study is to rank
the required criteria for classification of Fast-Moving items of Sarcheshmeh Copper. Data
collection tool was a standard self-made questionnaire, based on five-option Lickert scale and
triangular fuzzy numbers, and the criteria used in different articles in the field of multi-criteria
classification of commonly used items from 1986 to 2016, as well as extraction of some criteria
from Sarcheshmeh Copper. Cronbach's alpha reliability of this questionnaire was 0.923, and its
validity has been determined based on quantitative and qualitative face validity. The target
population included 52 experts of various affairs of Sarcheshmeh Copper. Fuzzy geometric mean
was used for the integration of experts' opinion, and for defuzzification, triangular fuzzy numbers
mean was used. Finally, it was determined that criteria ((accuracy of information)), ((availability
of technical specifications)), ((scarcity)), ((downtime or stop)), respectively, are the most
important classification criteria of Fast-Moving items.


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