Application of integrated fuzzy MCDM approach for supplier evaluation and selection: A conceptual framework for Nian Electronic

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Management and Industrial Engineering, Sadjad University of technology, Mashhad, Iran

2 Lecturer, Department of Management and Industrial Engineering, Sadjad University of Technology, Mashhad, Iran, Email:


Supplier Evaluation is one of the most important decision processes in supply chain management; having different selection criteria beyond price, quality and delivery time. Realizing the importance of this process for the industry, the purpose of the present study is to use two decision making analysis techniques to provide a flexible framework for evaluating and selecting suppliers. Based on the challenge of Nian Electronic Company to the need to revise the supplier evaluation process, the proposed framework of the present research was implemented in this organization. In this way, a team of experts was selected to provide the required data set to implement the proposed research framework in four areas: selection of criteria set, their pairwise comparisons, significance level of each criterion and scoring to suppliers. The code for executing the criteria weighting phases and ranking the alternatives was written in MATLAB software. All of the present research data and the proposed framework is applicable to any industrial context. In order to test the proposed framework, a numerical example was solved and the supplier ranking results were presented


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