Inventory Management System and Spare Parts Warehouse Assessment Framework and Roadmap (MRO-iREAM)

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 departman amam hossen ،iran،tehran

2 Faculty of Industrial engineering, imam Hussein university, tehran


Today, the strategic and important role of warehousing in reducing the supply chain costs is recognized,  and distinguished as one of the competitive advantages in the supply chain. Managers have to make better decisions to improve performance. There are various models for performance appraisal and the lack of a framework for evaluating the stock of spare parts is felt. Therefore, in this article, first the dimensions and indicators of a framework are determined by a thorough study of performance appraisal models, related literature and expert sessions, resulting in 9 dimensions with 10 indicators for each dimension. Then the framework is designed through a validity and reliability questionnaire, and after removing the indicators that do not obtain the required scores, the final framework is obtained and used to evaluate the car parts warehouse. Then according to the status of the warehouse and the scores it has obtained, existing solutions for improvement are brought forth. These solutions are then ranked considering the effectiveness and simplicity criteria and a roadmap is presented to improve the level of warehouse performance.


Main Subjects

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