Knowledge management of design and deployment of a comprehensive logistics system in a defense organization

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article




With the advent of information technology, all individuals and organizations, including defense organizations inside and outside the country, from the beginning of this period, in a scattered and sometimes integrated, have used software systems to improve the work situation and achieve their goals. With the passage of time and the increasing complexity and dynamism of operating environments, existing systems no longer meet the requirements and organizations have tended to use comprehensive and integrated solutions. The organization under study In this article, one of the country's defense organizations in the field of logistics has been studied, which years before and after feeling the need for this issue; It has put the design, production and implementation of a comprehensive and integrated system on the agenda. In this article, with the aim of documenting the experiences and lessons learned and using the knowledge management process of mourners and kisses as well as the Delphi method, knowledge has been compiled, which ultimately gained experiences as well as benefits and benefits for the organization and challenges in this. The path and solutions envisaged by the project management team and the actions taken have been written so that other organizations and individuals who enter this path can use it.


Main Subjects

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