A Model for Evaluating the Performance of Police Logistics Management in Disciplinary Crises (Case Study: FATEB)

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 M.Sc., Preparedness Management, Faculty of Organizational Resources, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Security, Faculty of Command and Staff, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 University of Law Enforcement, Assistant Professor, Department of Organizational Resources, Amin University of Law Enforcement, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to provide a model for evaluating the performance of police logistics management in disciplinary crisis. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. It is a qualitative research approach and is related to the method of interviewing experts and specialists. The interviewees in this study are in two groups: professors of Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences and heads and managers of the Departments of logistics support, Special Unit, Relief Unit and FATEB Prevention Police. Also, due to the necessity of using opinions of experts, purposive sampling method has been used and the sample size was determined as 13 people. The research data was also analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The results show that the model for evaluating the performance of police logistics management in disciplinary crises is significant in 6 dimensions including: forecasting, supply, agility, organization and management, science and technology and preparedness, and 17 components including: vehicle, welfare, weapons and ammunition. Automotive and fuel, commodities, rations and clothing, readiness, agility capabilities, agile management, supervision and control, manpower, planning, coordination, culture and structure, training and skills, technology information and communication, maintenance, repair and operations, warehousing and logistic support and 66 indicators as a subset of the components described..


Main Subjects

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