Solving a Location Routing Problem Considering Green Routes Using a Metaheuristic Algorithm

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Manager of Industrial Production Group

2 Department of Industrial Engineering,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran,Iran


Design and analysis of distribution systems are among the key factors which have been of interest to logistics corporations in recent years. Two main elements in designing a distribution network are finding acceptable locations for facilities and effective routes. Simultaneous consideration of these two elements is called location routing problem. Nowadays, because of environment pollutions, making good decisions about declining the CO2 emission rate has become a critical issue. The main contributor in CO2 emissions are fleet vehicles. This paper aims to propose a new mathematical model for the location routing problem in order to reduce the distribution and hence the fuel costs which in turn lead to CO2 emission rate reduction. Driver satisfaction is also pursued by balancing the drivers' workloads. A mathematical model is proposed for the problem and then linearized and validated for small scale conditions. As the large scale problem has many complexities, a multipurpose optimization algorithm, namely the NSGA-II algorithm which is a well-known metaheuristic algorithm is applied. To obtain a better solution, facility locations and route allocations are considered simultaneously. The algorithm performance is evaluated by introducing 4 indicators and the numerical results are reported. The results show that the suggested algorithm has the required efficiency to produced high quality parato solutions which are uniformly distributed in the problem's solution space.


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