Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Supply Chain Resilience Against COVID-19 in Health Care Centers with the ISM Approach

Document Type : Scientific Paper


Master science of Management, Meybod University, Meybod, Iran


With the accession of Covid-19 epidemic, a lot of pressure was put on the stability of the supply chain of health care centers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify and design a model of factors affecting the stability of the supply chain of health care centers in the Covid-19 era using the new analytical approach of interpretive structural modelling (ISM). This research is an applied and descriptive research. The information is collected from library and field sources and validated through expert opinions. Then, the interpretive structural modelling approach is used to analyze the relationships between the identified factors and their rating. The research results indicate that 39 factors which are classified into 8 categories of supply chain processes (namely, capacity management, technology management, environment management, service delivery management, financial management, risk management, event management and customer relationship management) affected the stability of the supply chain of health care centers during the Covid-19 era. Also, the results of ISM ratings of these processes show a five-level model in which capacity management with the most impact occupies the first level and customer relationship management and event management with the least impact are in the fifth level. Finally, some suggestions for supply chain stability maintenance are presented to the managers of health care centers.


Main Subjects

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