A Multi-Objective Model for Reliable Circular Supplier Network Design Considering Knowledge Sharing, Backup Supplier, and Circular Criteria

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Malek Ashtar University of technology

3 Maleke Ashtar university


Due to global threats such as pandemics and wars affecting supply chains, redesigning the supplier network with circular criteria, cost reduction and proper supplier backup to reduce supply risk is a an importtant need in today's industrial society. To address this issue, this paper developed a multi-objective model with conflicting objectives to design a circular reliable supplier network considering knowledge sharing capability, backup, skills, reliable cooperation networks, cost, capacity, order allocation, and circular criteria for a modular product. The proposed model for network design simultaneously considers the following key factors: 1) circular criteria, 2) cooperation network and historical records between suppliers, 3) skills, 4) ability to share knowledge and experience, and 5) cost and backup suppliers. The model was evaluated with the numerical study of the simulated data as well as with the real data of the electro-optical camera, and it was validated with the precise method of a‌u‌g‌m‌e‌n‌t‌e‌d e‌p‌s‌i‌l‌o‌n c‌o‌n‌s‌t‌r‌a‌i‌n‌t m‌e‌t‌h‌o‌d and LPmetric and the exact solution of small-scale problems, and the sensitivity analysis was also performed.; Therefore, first a modular product was selected and the number of modules was determined by clustering. Then, the parameters and variables were determined and after formulating and solving the model, the model was validated and the results, teams and optimal order allocation were determined. From the results of solving the model with artificial data, the main team (1, 2, 3, 4 and 15) and the support team (4, 8 and 9) were obtained. Also, according to the results of solving the model with real data, the main team (1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10) and the support team (4) were obtained. The results showed that, based on all the assumptionsو this approach, suggests the network of optimal circular reliable suppliers in two main and supporting groups with the lowest cost, the most knowledge sharing and reliability and circular criteria. The results are in line with the needs of modern industrial society. At the end, suggestions for future research were presented.


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