Interpretive Structural Modeling of Factors Affecting on the Implementation of Job Rotation Based on the Organization, Methods and Value Chain of National Gas Company of Iran

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Public Administration, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran


The purpose of the current study was interpretive structural modeling of the effective factors on the implementation of job rotation based on the organization, methods, and value chain of the National Gas Company of Iran. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of research typology, it is among mixed research with the qualitative and quantitative approach in the deductive-inductive paradigm. Identifying the factors affecting the implementation of job rotation through semi-structured interviews based on theoretical saturation with 18 university professors and experts in the field of public administration and human resources management. The validity and reliability of the interviews were confirmed by the method of relative content validity and Cohen's kappa index, respectively. In the quantitative part, in order to model the implementation of job rotation, the opinions of 69 senior and middle managers of the National Gas Company were used with the available convenience sampling method. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed using content validity and the test-post-test method. Coding of interviews using Maxqda software led to the identification of 13 main factors of job rotation implementation. Modeling of the identified factors with the interpretive structural method and MIC-MAC analysis led to the formation of six levels, focusing on core issues, organization size, strategic alignment, and value chain analysis were the most effective, and improving the strategic balance and succession planning were the most impressionable factors in the implementation of job rotation.


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