Resilient Distribution Network Design in Sustainable Grain Supply Chain: a Robust-Possibilistic Approach

Document Type : Research/ Original/ Regular Article


Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Iran


Today, the high importance of achieving food security for communities has made it necessary to provide a new perspective on the design of the grain supply chain distribution network to better adapt to real-world uncertainties and also to take into account disruptions. To this end, in this study, a mixed-integer linear programming model has been developed for the distribution network design problem in the grain supply chain, which has three objectives such as minimizing costs and maximizing job opportunities, both of which are examples of sustainability. In addition, considering the importance of grain in the food basket of households and the importance of food security, the third objective function has been developed focusing on the issue of resilience to deal with any disruption in the design of the distribution network. The robust-possibilistic programming approach is used to deal with uncertain demand and the multi-objective problem is solved using the improved epsilon constraint method. Finally, a compromised solution is selected using the TOPSIS method.


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