Integrated Model Supplier Tiering and Grouping Parts Based on the Capabilities (Electric Motor Industry Case Study)

Document Type : Scientific Paper


1 Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran

3 Maleke Ashatar University


Many producers and large commerce companies must manage their suppliers and reduce or merge them. Most methods mentioned in the literature are qualitative. Therefore, the aim of this research is to present a three-objective nonlinear mixed integer programming model including minimizing the cost of allocating parts to suppliers, minimizing the cost of interactions between suppliers, and minimizing management complexity. The innovation of this research is to simultaneously consider the grouping of parts and allocation to suppliers based on the required operational capabilities of the parts and the capabilities available to suppliers and the tiering of suppliers. This model was evaluated with a case study in the electric motor industry and solved with the method of goal attainment, the validation of the results has also been done.  


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